We are happy to help you choose the treatment/s most indicated for you and your current situation. Feel free to give us a call or reach out on our Request An Appointment where you can include a message for us.
We are happy to schedule you and your partner at the same time (with advanced notice), but in 2 separate rooms. We no longer offer Couples Massages in the same room.
2 often yes, if planned ahead.
3 at certain times if planned ahead.
4 no.
We only have 3 rooms.

CranioSacral Therapy has its origins in the field of Cranial Osteopathy and was developed in the 1970's by the Osteopathic Physician Dr. John Upledger. CranioSacral Therapy detects and treats imbalances in your craniosacral system. Your craniosacral system consists of all the structures that surround your brain and spinal cord (the bones of the head, face and spine; meningeal membranes and cerebrospinal fluid). Tension and misalignment in these structures have a negative impact on your nervous system. CranioSacral Therapy releases tension in the membranes, gently realigns the bones and enhances the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid. Because all of this improves the environment of your central nervous system, CranioSacral Therapy can improve its functioning and indirectly the functioning of all other bodily systems. It reawakens your body’s innate self-healing mechanisms.
During your treatment you will be lying on your back on a comfortable massage table, fully dressed. Best is to wear comfortable, loose or stretchy clothing that allows for relaxed and deep breathing. Your therapist will be using her hands, with an often seemingly still touch, to find and treat areas of your body where she feels imbalance and restriction. This may often be around your spine, head and face but not only - CranioSacral is a full body treatment. Each session is unique and may be similar or very different than the last one. There is no use of oil or manipulation of muscles as in a massage. The touch is gentle, non-invasive and calming. Most people report a state of profound relaxation and a very calm mind.
Yes! CranioSacral is a very beneficial and safe treatment for children. Most children’s nervous system is especially accepting of this gentle and comfortable therapy. It helps with alleviating tension patterns that might date back to a child’s birth or their time in the womb and can improve the functioning of the nervous system. It also works great in conjunction with other interventions such as Speech Therapy, Occupational/Sensory Integration Therapy or Reflex Integration. At Eden Place we work with children 5 and up. The parent is always welcome in the treatment room and if the child has had enough before the session’s end the parent may receive some treatment as well.
CranioSacral has been successfully used to support healing for people with various conditions such as Headaches/Migraines, TMJ Disorders, Vertigo, Neurological Disorders, pain or dysfunction from past accidents and trauma, Neck and Back Pain, Stress related disorders, Fibromyalgia, PTSD and many other issues. Keep in mind that we don’t directly treat the condition but help your nervous system to work better and enable your body to self-correct. In children it is most often used with head shape abnormalities, behavioral issues and birth trauma. Craniosacral Therapy combines beautifully with many other therapeutic interventions such as Acupuncture, Occupational or Physical Therapy, Sensory Integration, Reflex Integration, Vision Therapy, or Psychotherapy (in particular EMDR and other Trauma informed Therapies).
The Feldenkrais Method® is a Learning Method that uses gentle movements to increase self-awareness and to achieve more efficient and relaxed movement habits and better posture. It is either taught with verbal instructions (Awareness Through Movement®) or in hands-on treatments (Functional Integration®). It was founded by Israeli Physicist and engineer Moshe Feldenkrais. At Eden Place we may integrate parts of Awareness Through Movement® Lessons in your CranioSacral Treatment but we don’t offer Functional Integration® Treatments.

Often yes! Both tension headaches and migraines can be soothed with massage. That’s because massage promotes circulation, decreases pain from trigger points, and relieves muscle spasms. Receiving massage regularly can even reduce frequency of headaches. For those who suffer from headaches, a treatment plan including Craniosacral Therapy is ideal. Craniosacral Therapy is particularly effective for chronic headaches and migraines because it realigns the bones of the head and face, improves flow of the cerebrospinal fluid and calms the nervous system.
Learn more on our CranioSacral Page -
Receiving massage regularly has many health benefits. It relieves muscle tension and stiffness, alleviates pain such as headaches, neck or back pain. It also improves range of motion, flexibility and blood circulation which contributes to the recovery from injuries. Massage reduces stress, promotes relaxation, lowers blood pressure, and enhances mental clarity and emotional well-being. Receiving Massage regularly can also be helpful for insomnia and quality of sleep, and to boost the immune system.
Yes! Massage therapy increases flexibility and range of motion, while decreasing recovery time from intense workouts. If you're an athlete we recommend either Sports Massage, Integrated Massage or Table Thai Massage.
Learn more on our Massage Therapy Page -
A Classic Therapeutic Massage can be helpful with back pain because massage reduces muscle tension, increases circulation and can often break the pain cycle. However, the underlying reason for back pain is often not only muscular but can be a result of postural and/or structural imbalances. Therefore, we recommend in particular our Integrated Massage that may include Medical Massage techniques, gentle stretches, cupping, Myofascial Release or Alignment Techniques. Also, CranioSacral Therapy is a safe and gentle option and often very helpful for back pain. However, keep in mind that an acute, intense back pain, especially if there is tingling or numbness in your legs, should be evaluated by a physician before you come see us.
Yes! Massage provides stress relief and reduces negative mood states like anxiety, depression, and anger. The nervous system is gently encouraged to shift from the fight or flight mode towards a state of balance and rest. Massage also releases endorphins that help you to feel happier, more relaxed, and improves quality of sleep. Our Ayurvedic Aromatherapy Massage is ideal for enhancing overall wellbeing as essential oils have healing properties that address specific mind/body states and assist us in being in the moment where true peace actually exists.
Depending on your specific condition, there are many therapies that can be combined with massage to give you the best results. At Eden Place Healing Art, we offer several complementary healing modalities, including: CranioSacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, Integrated Massage, Cupping, Ayurvedic Consultations and Reiki. In addition, Massage also couples well with therapies such as Chiropractoric work, Acupuncture, Physical or Occupational Therapy, and Psychotherapy. We believe in a team approach and are happy to help you in conjunction with other Professionals. We can even make recommendations in our community.
Learn more on our Massage Therapy Page -
This varies greatly for each person and situation. Weekly is ideal for many to experience maximum benefits for both short term relief and lasting results. Once a month is the recommended minimum frequency for obtaining the health benefits of massage. Your therapist will work with you to come up with a treatment plan that fits your unique needs.
For a Classic (Regular) Massage, Deep Tissue and Sports Massage, where your muscles are manipulated with oil or lotion on skin, your therapist typically asks you in the beginning of the session to “get undressed to your comfort level and lie on the table under the covers”. You’ll be given privacy to disrobe and get comfortable underneath the sheet. While we recommend for women to take their bras off, it is a personal preference whether you choose to undress completely or to leave your underwear on. Either way allows for an effective massage. If you prefer not to get undressed, we offer several treatment options that are done fully clothed, for example CranioSacral Therapy, Reiki, and Thai Massage. For Myofascial Release and some of our Integrated Massages it is best to wear comfortable loose fitting shorts for men, and shorts and a sports bra (or similar) for women.
Massage aids the process of detoxification by increasing circulation and relieving tension in muscles. Drinking water after a massage helps your kidneys to flush toxins that have been released out of your bloodstream.
Unfortunately, no. Although receiving massage regularly strengthens the immune system, getting a massage when you are sick can actually make things worse. That’s because massage increases circulation and has a powerful detoxifying effect on the body and can cause uncomfortable symptoms to become much stronger. It is best to wait until you’re feeling well. Then massage can help to resolve residual achiness and tension from all that coughing and sneezing. It’s best to wait approximately one week from onset of symptoms.
Fascia is the connective tissue in the body. It is in every cell of the body, one uninterrupted system from head to toe. In addition to being structural, it also acts like a fiber optic communication system in the body. It does not show up in many standard tests (x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, electromyography, etc.). All levels of trauma store in the fascia: physical, mental, emotional. Trauma - injury, surgery, mental/emotional stress, repetitive motion strain, poor posture, etc. - causes the fascia to tighten and harden. If not treated properly, the tightening and hardening can spread three-dimensionally in the fascial system, affecting more and more of the body. Mental and emotional trauma also remain stored in the fascia. Fascia is a three-dimensional web that exists in the liquid environment in the body (about 70% water) and is described as a liquid crystal matrix. Like all crystal structures, gentle and sustained pressure generates energy in the fascial system. This is the Piezoelectric Effect, a key to MFR.
MFR works with the physiology of the fascial system. There is no sliding on the skin. The therapist uses gentle and sustained pressure, traction and stretching to generate energy in the fascia, allowing the fascia to release, while gently following the releases in the fascial system. This energy can completely penetrate the body, allowing for deep, complete release. It is estimated that tight fascia can exert up to 2000 pounds of pressure per square inch, often on pain sensitive structures. It is a system that cannot be forced. Massage therapy and deep tissue techniques can release the superficial layers of fascia, but often result in incomplete and temporary relief. Let MFR help you release all levels of your trauma and attain deeper, more complete and long-term relief.
MFR has been helpful for many people suffering from issues such as: Neck Pain, Headaches/Migraines, Jaw Pain (TMJ), Back Pain, Whiplash, Painful Scars, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Adhesions, Scoliosis, Neurological Dysfunction, Plantar Fasciitis, Pelvic Pain, Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Tennis or Golfers Elbow, Sports Injuries, Stress/Anxiety/PTSD.
Integrated Positional Therapy (IPT) is a manual therapy developed by Dr. Jones, an osteopathic doctor in the 1950's, who studied pain and the way people could get into various positions to relieve their symptoms. He named his work Posititional Therapy and it is the basis for other osteopath modalities such as Orthobionomy. Mr. Lee Albert is a present-day neuromuscular bodywork specialist who has expounded upon Dr. Jones original work and added the word" Integrated" to Positional Therapy to note his own contributions such as trigger point therapy to the new improved modality. Lee Albert is the author of a book about IPT called "How to live pain free without drugs and surgery” and has been featured on a PBS special on chronic and acute pain in which he shares pain relieving techniques from IPT.
IPT is a gentle and effective therapeutic bodywork that restores the body to balance and proper alignment by implementing assisted stretches, resistance therapy, and most remarkably by placing the muscle in its most relaxed “position” - thus the name Positional Therapy. In this comfortable position the therapist is able to go DEEP in the muscle in the most non-intrusive soothing way. (It is indeed possible to go deep without it having to hurt!) Lastly IPT is unique in that the practitioner demonstrates a series of tried-and-true exercises, muscle releases and stretches in the form of a wellness plan, that the client takes home to practice on their own to have immediate relief from pain and to be an active part in taking responsibility for their long term health, healing and recovery.
The Myoskeletal Alignment Technique (MAT) is an advanced hands-on bodywork system developed by Erik Dalton, a manual therapist and leading bodywork educator for several decades. MAT uses guided stretches and therapeutic touch to restore function, relieve pain and rebalance the body by addressing imbalances and dysfunctional patterns in the musculoskeletal system. MAT brings together the most advanced therapeutic strategies to correct patterns that lead to pain and deterioration. It focuses on the interplay between the body’s muscular and skeletal systems, promoting proper posture and alignment.

Our Reiki sessions last 60, 75 or 90 minutes. A 60 minute session is sufficient to address all of the major energy centers of the body, while a 90 minute session will also provide time to give extra attention to areas that are particular sources of pain or stress. A 30 minute mini-session can be an abbreviated session or an add-on to a Massage (check out our Reiki-Massage Combo).
One Reiki session will typically provide noticeable relief. And whether someone receives one or multiple treatments, the results may be transformative. Each session is as independent as the individual receiving it. Generally, a series of 4 Reiki treatments are recommended to optimally effect a lasting change.
Experiences of Reiki are very subjective and vary from one person to the next. One may receive very deep relaxation, noticing heat and physical sensations such as tingling, pulsing or vibrations.
Yes, Reiki also supports healing on the physical level. It can help ease pain and reduce muscle tension, improve sleep, enhance healing after surgery or injury, among many other physical benefits.
Reiki brings balance. This can set the foundation from where emotional healing can happen, whether you are dealing with anxiety, depression, anger issues or trauma. Please keep in mind that the purpose of Reiki is not to "remove" your undesired emotions, but to balance your energy and help you gain clarity which may enable you to release negative emotions.
No! Reiki augments the benefits of other therapies and is often practiced as a compliment to traditional procedures in hospitals and medical offices.
Most likely, no! Each case must be evaluated on an individual basis; however, as a rule Reiki is beneficial and safe for all individuals. While massage can have a powerful detoxifying effect that may be contraindicated for some individuals, the gentle healing of Reiki is almost always helpful. Moreover, you will not have to get undressed nor lie face down in a face cradle as in a massage. Reiki is particularly beneficial for those who are unable to receive massage and is especially helpful for those who are undergoing treatment for cancer.
Yes! Reiki is wonderful for pregnant women. The benefits of Reiki healing can even be directed towards your unborn child if you wish. Reiki can also be used to support a peaceful and healthy delivery for mother and baby.

Ayurveda is a 5,000 + year old medicial system that originated in India. It means science of life and focuses on preventive and rejuviantive lifestyle medicine including diet, daily routines, herbs, essential oils, yoga etc.
Yes. Ayurveda looks the whole you- body, mind, and soul. While some of the reccomedations you receive may help with symptom management, the focus in primarily on prevention of dis-ease and overall life balance.
Ayurveda has stood the test of time with its multi thousand year history and ability to be used for all sort of ailments. It’s overall effectiveness is greatly determined by the effort of the individual. If one starts to incorporate even just one or two of the reccomedations from and Ayurvedic professional they will start to experience benefits quickly.
An Ayurvedic consultation is a private session where I’ll gather information about the whole you- body, mind, and soul We will talk about your health history, your current concerns, as well as your goals. I’ll look at your eyes, face, tongue, and take your Ayurvedic pulse. In the follow up session you will receive reccomedations that include diet and healthier eating guidelines, lifestyle practices around sleep and exercise, specific meditation and yoga techniques, as well as herbs and essential oil formulas that can be used in a variety of ways. Together we will determine which of these recommendations will be most useful for you to start with.
All kinds. Some of the most common concerns that Ayurveda is used to address include:
• anxiety/ depression
• insomnia
• low energy
• digestive issues
• aches and pains
• skin problems
• weight management
• stress and work/life balance