At Eden Place Healing Arts every massage is as unique as the individual on our table. Our therapists take their time to get to know you and customize your service to address the issues that are most important to you, utilizing a variety of techniques and modalities. In addition to our Classic (Regular) Massage we offer Integrated Massage, Myofascial Release, Table Thai Massage, Ayurvedic Aromatherapy Massage, Reiki & Massage Combination treatments, Deep Tissue and Sports Massage. Our Integrated Massage is a treatment that, depending on your therapist, combines different forms of specialized bodywork and/or cupping with massage.
An ancient healing technique that has been used for centuries to relieve physical ailments and promote wellbeing. It involves the manipulation of soft tissues, such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments, to alleviate pain and tension and promote relaxation. Our Classic Massage can range from a Swedish Massage with light pressure to a Therapeutic Massage with medium-firm pressure. We use unscented, natural, high-quality oil (mostly Jojoba and / or Fractionated Coconut Oil) or an unscented lotion free of harmful ingredients.
Our Integrated Massage is a type of massage that includes a wide range of specialized bodywork techniques to address your specific needs and concerns. The goal is to create a personalized treatment plan that can help with stubborn or chronic issues, such as pain, stiffness, reduced range of motion, or misalignments. It also helps with improving quality of life, and with the recovery from injury. Depending on your therapist, these modalities may include Myoskeletal Alignment Technique, Medical Massage, Cupping, Myofascial Release, Table Thai Massage, Integrated Positional Therapy.
Myofascial Release is a safe and effective hands-on treatment that works with the physiology of the fascial system. Fascia is in all tissues of the body and is one uninterrupted system head to toe. Trauma (physical, mental, emotional) causes the fascia to tighten and harden. If left untreated it can spread three-dimensionally throughout the body. During a Myofascial Release treatment, the therapist uses gentle and sustained pressure, traction and stretching to generate energy in the fascia, allowing the fascia to release, while gently following the releases in the fascial system. There is no sliding on the skin. MFR is especially effective for chronic pain conditions.
Before a Myofascial Release Treatment: Do not apply any lotion, oil etc. to your body the day of your treatment. Women: wear sports bra and loose fitting shorts (or similar). Men: wear loose fitting shorts.
Thai massage is an ancient bodywork traditionally offered fully clothed with no oil on a mat on the floor. In the recent past, this healing art form has been eloquently translated into a modality that can be effectively performed on a massage table - thus the name Table Thai.
At Eden Place we preserve the sacredness of this ancient bodywork and offer Table Thai in the traditional way in which the client wears loose fitting clothes and is passively moved through a Yogic / dance-like sequence of assisted stretching, rhythmic rocking, energy balancing, along with static holds coordinated with deep belly breathing. Recipients of Thai bodywork report greater flexibility, increase in range of motion, relief from rigid neuromuscular pain patterns, and an overall calm peaceful state of mind. Table Thai is a gentle versatile practice that can be adapted in its pressure and sequencing to meet the needs of all people ranging from athletes to the elderly.
Our Classic Massage with a specialty handcrafted Ayurvedic oil. This includes a short consultation to determine which oil is best suited to use in your massage based on your constitution / Ayruvedic Dosha. Schedule in advance to secure an appointment as only one of our therapists (Jill) offers this treatment.
Our Reiki-Massage Combination Treatment consists of a Classic (Regular} Massage and Reiki, all in one session and with one therapist. You may choose and tell your therapist in the beginning of the session how much of which modality you want. If you want the massage part to be a full body massage, we recommend that you choose the 75min or 90min option. For more information on Reiki visit our Reiki page.
Deep tissue massage is a style of massage that uses deep pressure and is mainly used to treat musculoskeletal issues, such as strains and sports injuries or trigger points. It involves applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues. This helps to break up scar tissue that forms following an injury and reduce tension in muscle and tissue.
Sports massage is focused and systematic, targeting muscles that are used in a specific sport. It uses various techniques to decrease muscle pain and improve recovery, or to prepare your body for an upcoming sports event. Sports Massage usually includes stretches to improve overall range of motion and flexibility to support safe and effective movement.